20 before 20

I will be turning 19 on May 9th, 2014. And to be honest, I'm really thankful for that, not only because I finally can leave the age at which everything in my life changed because I got to know Horst (don't get me wrong, i love being 18), but also because there was a time when I didn't have had any hope left. I already told you bleeding in your insides without for no allegeable reason is by far the scariest thing. So I'm more than thankful. On the other hand, I also figured that there are so many things I wanted to happen in these really dark moments, some of them are listed in this list, other parts of list were added through my diagnosis. 

This page will be constantly updated, crossing off the things I have already accomplished or people did for me. Oh and well, some of them are completely mindless, I have no idea why I want this to happen before I turn 20. 

1. Accept Horst - with all of his ups and downs. 

2. A bouquet of my favorite flowers - peonies - from a special someone. 

3. Run a half-marathon.

4. Laugh out loud.

5. Become nutritionally conscious. 

6. Go for a trip to the seaside with friends. 

7. Join a club.

8. Be spontaneous

9. Run for a good cause

10. Become a bookworm.

11. Say "I love you" and mean it. 

12. See one thing that is "the world's largest". 

13. Dress up and feel beautiful. 

14. Forgive someone. 

15. Travel to run for a good cause. 

16. Ride a horse. 

17. Do well at University. 

18. Get involved with DCCV. 

19. Take a break from everyday life

20. Discover something new without any help. 

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